ZAF Innovation Center facilitates the creation of research and innovation projects
within the agro-zootechnical food chain, thus promoting technology transfer
to companies through partnerships and synergies with Universities.

Call: Finding interest for the development and the consolidation of the production, service chains and the productive and economic industrial ecosystems in Lombardy.

Partners: CRIT Cremona (Capofila), A2A S.p.a., Corteva Agriscience Italia, CremonaFiere, ECOCASA Group, Qualitade S.r.l., REI – Reindustria Innovazione S.c.r.l., Galletti SNC, RGM elettrotecnica industriale s.r.l., Vinicola Decordi S.p.a., Produttori Latte Associati Cremona – Società Cooperativa agricola (P.L.A.C.) , Pieve Ecoenergia sca, Società Agricola Lanfredi s.s., Forno Manini, Società Agricola Spoldi Giacomo e Bodoni S.S., Società Agricola Horti Padani S.S. di Piergiorgio Scarani e C., Società Agricola Casalasco Spa, Politecnico di Milano – polo di Cremona , Università Cattolica de Sacro Cuore, Confcooperative Cremona, Fondazione ITS per il Made in Italy

Objective: ZAF Innovation Center has begun a project (which has been green-lit by the Government of the Lombardy Region) relating to the theme of energy independence of the agri livestock and food supply chain by promoting the following lines of innovation and research:

  • Transition from Biogas to Bio-methane.

  • Transition to a digitally-controlled system to produce bio-methane having data collected continuously in order to optimise production automatically (e.g. sensors that constantly show the fermentation progress).

  • Transition to control systems to demonstrate how the arrival of nutrients through dairy products has a lower environmental impact.

  • Photovoltaic systems to establish energy communities in the supply chain: e.g. proposal of models, shared analysis of regulations and feasibility.

  • Database of waste and scraps produced by processing companies to be reused in energy production.

  • Start-up Agri-tech: attractiveness and development on the territory.

Do you have any research and innovation projects that you would like to discuss?